Picture of Sabine Felbek

Sabine Felbek


Energy certificate: what is it and what is it for?

Mortgages, interest rates, guarantees or certificates of habitability are terms and documents with which anyone who wants to buy a home is located, but for a few years there is another procedure to add to this list: the energy certificate.

Any owner who wants to rent or sell a home must have the Energy Certificate or the energy efficiency certificate in compliance with royal decree 235/2013, of April 5.

Since June 1, 2013, the Energy Certificate is mandatory, but do we really know what it is and what it is for?

The energy certificate of a house is an information document necessary to rent or sell a property.

It includes the classification of energy efficiency and consumption of a building or part of it (housing, premises, office etc.), procedure information, description of energy characteristics and viable improvement recommendations.

Both the owner and the promoter must register the qualification with an official body of the relevant autonomous community in order to be certified.

The purpose of this certificate is to make homes in Spain as efficient as possible. The result of the energy rating of a house does not have any consequence, since it is an informative and non-binding document.

Since its implementation, the data collected has not been very favorable. 84% of labeled homes are at the top three of the table, with letters E, F and G.

Many properties have low energy efficiency and others exceed the average energy consumption by more than 90%.

According to the Institute for Diversification, in Spanish buildings there are margins of improvement of up to 50% in terms of energy consumption, indicated in the Institute for Diversification and Energy Savings (IDAE).

Although the owner is obliged to have this document when he is going to sell or rent a home, it is sufficient to look at the storefronts of some agencies or see the advertisements of the real estate portals to verify that this is not the case.

At the end of 2015, only 1.5 million of the 25 million homes in Spain had the energy certificate, according to IDAE records.

The problem is that five years after its entry into force, the owners know of the existence of the certificate  but do not give it excessive importance, since according to the survey carried out by the IDAE in 2017, more than 50% of the Spanish owners know the existence of the certificate, although only 36% say that it would take into account when selling or renting a house.

The objective of the government and Europe is to ensure that homes with lower energy ratings are subjected to reforms to improve their energy efficiency.

Another objective is that all homes built from 31 December 2020 have almost zero energy consumption.

We help you to have your certificate in a timely manner. We also  offer you to be able to do it together with us as well as an adjustable cost to your budget.


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