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Sabine Felbek


What is SATE? and why you should use it at home

What is the SATE?

Térmico System of Aislamiento

SATE is a system of aislamiento on the outside of the Fachada and is used para el aislamiento térmico de Edificios, tanto of work Nueva como en rehabilitaciones de edificios.

As a system SATE, a compute system for the outside Aislamiento (SATE-ETICS) that is supplied as conjunto (kit) and is used for the technical Aislamiento Térmico of Edificios. These systems, with a minimum value of 1 m2 or more, can be equal. K/W, as indicated in the guide ETAG 004 y normas UNE-EN 13499 y 13500.


They use Tanto in Nueva Construcción as in rehabilitation of Edificios.

The systems sate  se puedo clasify in function of the material used for use in a type of finished. It is particularly important to highlight the SATE’s conception as a comprehensive system of fachadas. Ello that that every componente forms part of the Conjunto, Asegurando Compatibilidad of the system and Best Result.

All the Componentes de un sate  Wellness be accorbidos and Ensayados jointly for the USO that is going to dar the system. Esto must respetarse from the Prescripción to the Postventa, Pasando por el suministro y aplicación.

In the European level we are working on the elaboration of a standard harmonized that will specify the Requiitos of the systems SATE e incorporate in a future the obligation of the Marcado CE de los Mismos.

The Characterististicas Mínimas Exigidas to the systems Sate  and the evaluation of SU Idoneidad para el uso previsto are specified in the Requiitos of the ETA Guidance No. 004 “Referente to the systems of Aislamiento Térmico by the exterior.

The Documento de Idoneidad technical Europeo, in Adelante dite, is conceived as resultado of the technical evaluation on the basis of a guide of the Eota (European Organisation for Technical approvals), or received in base to a consensus procedimiento of assessment ( Common Understanding Assessment Procedure).

This evaluation is more than just in compliance with the requisites Esenciales Establecidos in the directive of produccion of construction DPC 83/106. Los DITE Basados in the Guide ETAG 004, in force from 31 de Mayo del 2003, Tienen un perimodo de validez de five años y su ámbito es europeo.

At the moment, the European standard is being elaborated in a harmonized norm for the Marcado CE of the systems sate  Plenty Requisitos will be de obligado cumplimiento.

With a system sate  se reviste and the outside of the building adapted to the geometrias of the Mismo, even a las más complejas, sin discontinuidad. Por tanto cuando está correctly concebido e instalado allows Fshadwell resolver la Mayoría of Los Puentes Térmicos of the Edificio.

The systems Sate  that incorporate a aislamiento con un thickness óptimo will assure the reduction of the disibling energy to the outside, demonstrating a diminution of the fuel consumption to 30% and they permiten an energético consistente y i keep (calefacción en invierno; Air conditiononado en verano). It is estimated that the investment made for the system installation is amortised, of media, in Los Cinco años siguientes.

The advantages of Isolate with SATE


Why do you aislar with the system SATE?

  • The inversión of the system is amortizable in a plazo of 5 to 7 años mediante the reduction of consumption of air conditioner and Calefacción.
  • The installation of a system sate is done to Tratando de Minimizar LAS inconvenience para los Users in the interior of his viviendas (Polvo, Eliminación of Tubros, Simplificación of the phases of selling y Diminción of the Tiempos).
  • The system economic revalorizes the inmueble, Mucho más that the simple restitution of the Fachada.
  • With this system does not reduce the inner-living espacio of the Viviendas.
  • The system reduce the Condensaciones riesgo, Además los Sistemas SATE are impermeable to the water and permeable to steam water.
  • Mantiene the exterior envelal and the structure of the building into stable thermo Higrométrico, contribute decisively to the mantenimiento of the materiales of Construcción a lo largo del tiempo e impidiendo the degradación caused by Osciaciones of temperature: Grietas, Fisuras, infiltrations of Water, Phenómenos de Disgregación, Manchas, Mohos and the impregnation of the mural Mass.
  • Excluye la necesidad de delete el Enfoscado viejo, except Cuando existan riesgos of Deprendimiento.
  • They are in the heart of the environment as they do not disperse sustancias contaminantes, there are no harmful sustancias for the Medio Ambiente, recylares and reduce Las Pérdidas energéticas.
  • The systems SATE, to mejorar the technical Aislamiento Térmico in the surround of a building, Permiten Alcanzar los Máximos of Sostenibilidad.
  • The SATE systems are being supplied in an integral way, in this way to ensure the compatibilidad of the Componentes.

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